This beautiful pasta is well coated with a delicious garlic-cream sauce. It's a versatile dish that can be served as a side dish or a main dish. -Amy Sauser,...
My family fell in love with the combination of sweet and spicy in this potato side dish the very first time they tried it. It goes great with poultry...and...
My grandmother made a cold green bean salad with potatoes for every family barbecue. Now I bring my own version of the recipe to parties. With added color...
Even those who don't care for cabbage will enjoy it make this way. This tangy, creamy, comforting side dish goes exceptionally well with pork roast. -Ruby...
These creamy garlic mashed potatoes are so good, you can serve them plain-no butter or gravy is needed. This is one of our favorite red potato recipes....
Gonzo for garbanzos, Eleanor Glofka found a way to duplicate a favorite restaurant recipe at home. "It's excellent as a side dish, as an appetizer or spooned...
This addictive fennel recipe is a fresh take on one of my mother's standard wintertime dishes. I usually add more carrots-as many as the pans will hold....
This salad has been a family favorite for a while! I love to bring this to parties or simply eat as a wonderful lunch or side dish. -Nikki Barton, Providence,...
With a trio of whole grains, wild and brown rice and barley, this is packed with nutrition. Add half-and-half and Parmesan cheese, and you've got one satisfying...
From Dalhart, Texas, Denise Baumert serves up a savory side dish with wonderful garlic flavor. "I add the cloves to the noodles as they are cooking for...
"I've served this rice recipe to family and guests often and always receive high praise," writes Frances Easton from Warrenton, Virginia. With its mild...
After I received an air fryer for Christmas, I discovered how simple it is to make potato chips in it. Good chips are an essential, crispy side for lunch....
"I saw something similar to Favorite Herbed Potatoes prepared on TV and decided to make my own version with herbs I had on hand," writes Naomi Olson of...
A good friend provided the food for the one-of-a-kind Western-style wedding Jerry and I planned. These potatoes are scrumptious and easy to fix since there's...
Preparing traditional potato pancakes can be a time-consuming you'll really relish this recipe. By using frozen hash browns, these "spudtacular"...
Frozen hash browns and a canned soup make preparing this hash brown recipe from Christy Mahlum of Grand Junction, Michigan a cinch. With a cheesy topping,...
Fried mashed potatoes are crisp on the outside and fluffy on the inside. The key to making this recipe is to use chilled, firm mashed potatoes. Serve these...
This skillet side is a variation of a recipe I received from my Italian mother. I've prepared spinach this way for years-because my children eat it happily!...
Bacon lends a wonderful salty flavor while balsamic vinegar adds a hint of spicy tang. Who knew Brussels sprouts could taste so good? Paula Young -Tiffin,...
"Seconds are common once folks try these wonderfully satisfying sweet potatoes-they're smothered with a cinnamon-orange sauce and dotted with walnuts,"...
Here's a sweet corn pudding that can turn even ordinary meals into something to celebrate. A yuletide favorite with our entire family, this baked corn...
I can never get enough of this baked sweet potato fries recipe! Even though my grocery store sells them in the frozen foods section, I still love to pull...
I serve this time-saving treatment for angel hair pasta gets loads of flavor from lemon and Parmesan cheese. A hint of garlic and flecks of fresh parsley...
This recipe's wow factor makes it perfect for special occasions. To save time, the asparagus and prosciutto can be roasting while the rice cooks on the...
"My mother had surgery a few years back in spring, so my two sisters and I were challenged to prepare dishes like this that would keep well and still taste...
I like to serve these potato pancakes with barbecued sausage. They're also nice with baked ham and applesauce or with breakfast sausages. And, with these...
"This sweet and colorful fruit compote is perfect with an egg casserole at a holiday brunch. It can bake right alongside the eggs, so everything is conveniently...
Potato wedges and artichoke hearts are roasted to perfection in this hearty recipe from Mary Relyea of Canastota, New York. For added zing, Mary sprinkles...
Freshly harvested asparagus says spring is in the air, and on your table. Eating the tender spears right off the grill is pure pleasure.-Lessie Sites,...
When we were kids, my sister and I would prepare the freshly picked lettuce for this wilted lettuce salad recipe, rinsing it several times and carefully...
Warm and colorful, this tantalizing side dish bursts with refreshing vegetable flavor. Fresh herbs and Dijon mustard add the pizzazz. - Carrie Componile,...
Who doesn't love fluffy, homemade mashed potatoes? Make them even better with sharp cheddar cheese. To get them really creamy, my mother's secret was to...
Since my husband raises hogs and my parents produce maple syrup, this recipe's a natural for me! I usually prepare Maple Baked Beans just for us during...
This was my mother's recipe used for potato salad, green salads and even pasta salad. For some tasty variations, you may add up to 2 teaspoons of Dijon...
The hearty bacon flavor in this side dish makes you forget that you're eating right. Seasoned with garlic, it's a great way to enjoy vitamin-rich kale....
I created this baked potato casserole with input from friends and neighbors. It makes a great side dish for special meals. - Karen Berlekamp, Maineville,...
Quinoa is such a fantastic salad base-it's full of protein, it adds a nutty flavor, and it's the perfect vehicle to soak up any kind of dressing. If you...
Asparagus never tasted so good! Simply seasoned with butter and green onions, they taste fresh and keep their bright green color, too. They're so good,...
This recipe was popular at a restaurant in Winston-Salem called Berry's. I love serving this salad to guests who comment that it is very pretty. Not only...